Develop a 99% Marriage
If you could do something to help your marriage have a 99% chance of not ending in divorce, wouldn’t you want to do that one thing?
A recent Gallup poll stated that 99% of the married couples who pray together on a regular basis, never experience marriage failure or divorce. Which means, they have a stronger, deeper, more intimate marriage.
We have found that even in couples who are already on the edge of divorce, praying together will make a major difference in the relationship.
Praying together just once a week builds:
- A fresh sense of peace that God has your back.
- A greater trust in God and each other.
- A renewed sense of intimacy as you share your hearts with each other.
- A stronger and deeper faith in God and His work in your life.
The Couples Prayer Journal is a 52-week digital series of video devotions, discussion starters and a prayer guide. This Journal is specifically crafted to help husbands and wives grow in their intimacy with God and each other.
The videos found in the Couples Prayer Journal are practical and helpful. There are devotions that go in-depth into issues like communication, intimacy, forgiveness, anger, money, parenting, spiritual maturity and more. The printed, spiral bound Companion Booklet will allow to to have a permanent record of your discussions and prayer requests!
The Couples Prayer Journal is hosted on the Pray Always App, you have additional video training support as well as a space to post prayer requests and praises about how God is working in your life.
Order your copy of the Couples Prayer Journal by clicking below
Watch this powerful testimony
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and the Printed Companion Booklet
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Be sure to download the
free Pray Always App to use the
Couples Prayer Journal